Posted by MVMT Team
If you regularly run, then you may have suffered from sprains and strains every now and then. The worst injury may have been plantar fasciitis, but did you know that runners are also prone to hip injuries?
Running, after all, is a low cost, convenient and versatile exercise routine that anyone can fit into a busy schedule. Its health benefits have encouraged many men and women from all backgrounds to go out and pound the pavement.
So what are the common causes of hip pain and injuries in runners? How do you prevent and treat them?
The location, intensity, and onset of hip pain can provide valuable clues into the type of injury.
Common Causes of Hip Pain in Runners
1. Muscle strains – You can usually feel this in your groin and hamstrings. Your hip muscles become strained when you subject them to unusual contractions or, as is oftentimes the case, you have simply overworked them.
Proper warm up and cooling down allows your muscles to adjust to the level of activity you will put them though. Hip injuries in runners can easily be the result of improper or non-practice of this very important element in working out.
2. Hip bursitis – You can feel the pain right in your hip bones, and sometimes they can become swollen too. This happens when the bursae become inflamed due to overuse. The repetitive movements when running can cause them to thin out and allow the direct rubbing of bones on bones, which results in terrible pain.
The best way to prevent this is to not over-run! Plan your routine properly and you won’t need to know how it feels to have one of the most painful hip injuries in runners. Take it easy on the hill work and don’t be too concerned about speed, otherwise you may be asking too much from your bursae!
3. Labral cartilage tears – Labral tears are typically caused by repetitive motions like – you guessed it – running. The hip labrum is the cartilage that cushions and stabilizes your hip, and when you develop a labral tear, a catching, clicking or locking sensation may come with the hip pain. Your range of motion becomes limited and you start to feel stiffness in your affected hip.
Depending on the injury, you may be prescribed with a combination of NSAIDS, corticosteroid injections, and physiotherapy. For worst cases, arthroscopic surgery may be the best treatment.
Achieving Your #RunnerGoals
Hip injuries in runners come with the territory. The best way to address them is to become a pro-active runner. Study your body, plan your routine, execute properly and track progress.
If you are experiencing pain in your hips that doesn’t go away with the simple RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) method, it’s a good time to visit a healthcare professional to help you pinpoint the issue and address your hip pain. We can help you achieve your #runnergoals without the pain!