All Posts in Category: Shoulder
Oops! Top 6 Mistakes People Make with a Recent Shoulder Injury
Soroush Peyvandi
February 20, 2023
Posted by MVMT Team
A shoulder injury is a serious problem that brings both physical and emotional frustrations. As you move your arm (or arms) at a certain direction, you may hear a popping sound followed by an agonizing pain around your shoulder. This state obviously needs the right treatment, A.S.A.P
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Worried About Time Off Work Due To A Shoulder Injury?
Soroush Peyvandi
February 20, 2023
Posted by MVMT Team
As you’ve probably noticed first-hand by now, shoulder injuries are no walk in the park.
In fact, they’re a downright nuisance – taking a long time to heal, often very painful and just severely limiting…
But what can you do about it other than resting and icing the injury in order to speed up recovery and hopefully diminish recovery time?
Here are just 4 of our favourite rotator cuff exercises to help you get back on your feet and hopefully, back on the tennis court!
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Can Shoulder Impingement Be Fixed?
Soroush Peyvandi
February 20, 2023
Posted by MVMT Team
The shoulder is one of the most important parts of your upper body. Your shoulder area muscles, joints and tendons are all essential for most upper limb functions. The shoulder provides strength and mobility to your arms and hands, allowing you to perform daily tasks most of us take for granted.
You lift, throw and receive objects, while also helping you to balance in instances where you support your weight with your hands. With so much dependency on this joint, it is not a wonder our shoulders suffer injuries from time to time.
One common type of injury is known as shoulder impingement. Also known as sub-acromial impingement syndrome, it is when the rotator cuff tendons in the shoulder become overused or, worse, torn.
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Will my frozen shoulder get better?
Soroush Peyvandi
February 20, 2023
Posted by MVMT Team
Adhesive capsulitis, better known as frozen shoulder, is a condition affecting the shoulder muscles. This happens when the connective tissue that wrap around the ligaments, tendons and bones of the shoulder joint thickens. Thus, causing stiffness and soreness that makes it difficult and painful to move the affected shoulder.
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Prevention and Treatment of Swimmer’s Shoulder
Posted by MVMT Team
Swimming is considered a good all-around workout because it builds endurance and muscle strength. It also keeps your heart and lungs healthy. It is also suitable for all ages (of course with proper training and guidance).
How To Identify If You Have Shoulder Injury From Swimming?
Swimmer’s shoulder is a term that covers a range of painful shoulder injuries caused by overuse that commonly occurs in swimmers. Since various parts of your shoulder can be damaged from your swimming stroke, the pain can be anything from a local pain along the shoulder joint to a spreading pain that travels from up your neck down to your arm. Swimmer’s shoulder being an overuse injury is caused by repeated trauma rather than a specific incident.
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Rotator Cuff Injury: Symptoms, Treatment, and Exercises
Soroush Peyvandi
February 20, 2023
Shoulder, wellness
Posted by MVMT Team
Shoulder injuries are common. In fact, shoulder injuries make up over 18% of all injuries in older adults according to Stats Canada. A rotator cuff injury happens to be one of the most common types of shoulder injury as well.
A rotator cuff injury is usually caused by a tear or strain to the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff consists of the muscles, joint capsule, and tendons that stabilizes our shoulders. The injury involves a tear or strain to the rotator cuff tendons or the thick bands of tissue which connect the muscles to our bones.
The supraspinatus tendon is the site where the tear is most likely to occur. Several of your muscles and tendons will tear due to severe injuries.
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Physiotherapy for Shoulder Pain: Everything You Should Know
Soroush Peyvandi
February 20, 2023
Posted by MVMT Team
Shoulder injury is one of the most common conditions our clients experience; it impacts between 80 and 90 percent of all men and women at some point in their life.
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Rotator Cuff Injury: 6 Reasons You Should Use Physiotherapy
Soroush Peyvandi
October 12, 2022
Posted by MVMT Team A rotator cuff injury is right up there on the high end of the pain scale when it comes to unpleasant injuries. People of all ages who are very active or don’t participate in sports often injure their rotator cuffs, and this type of injury can be quite difficult to recover from. Luckily, there are several physiotherapy treatment options …
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